Computers for free. Sounds like a dream, like something that your child might make up. But you know what? Not only is it not a dream, it is an actual reality. There truly are companies out there that specialize in giving people free computers. They are giving away everything from new top of the line desktops to great portable laptop units. And they are giving them away to people for the total cost of zero.
Yes you have to do a little research to find them. All of about ten seconds worth of time should get you a few million choices from which to choose. And yes you have to do some things to get the computers for free. There are some qualifications and some things that you need to fulfill in order to become fully qualified and get your computer. But if you want a computer for free, what's the difference in doing a few odds and ends and spending a little time. You are ultimately getting a nice new computer and you are keeping the hard earned cash in your own pocket.
Ok, so now that we have ascertained that it is legitimate and that you can indeed end up with a free computer in your possession. What are some of the hoops that you will need to jump through to get it?
Well, each offer and each company has different things that it may want so the first thing you will want to do after narrowing your search down and finding one that you actually are interested in getting is read. You are going to want to pull up the requirements and look at what the specifics of the offer are. You need to know this because if you don't follow them correctly or don't do something that is time sensitive in the correct amount of time, you are back a square one and looking again.
For instance, one requirement is that you apply for a major credit card. A t first glance you say, no trouble there a few clicks and I can move on to the next requirement. But wait, that offer most likely will also require that you get approved for that major credit card, then you may have to make a usually small charge on the card to activate it and then comes the often overlooked part, you may have to maintain that as an active card for 60 days. Not that this is a hard requirement, but you need to know the rules. You can't play the game if you don't know what the rules are.
The other parts of the offer can be equally as cryptic. You might have to apply to a record wholesale club and make a minimum purchase of CDs or DVDs at regular club price if you want to fulfill that portion of the requirements. Again not hard to do as long as you know what the terms are and it is something that you are willing and wanting to do to get your computers for free.
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