Many families, especially during this time of year, are having issues keeping up with bills and other responsibilities. When a baby comes, it can cause financial havoc. There are ways low income families can get free diapers and baby supplies to take the burden off.
You just have to be creative in where you find free stuff for your baby.
There are two major players in the diaper market... Huggies and Pampers.
Both have been around forever and do billions every year. And with them being around so long, they are now looking for more innovative ways of getting their products in the hands of consumers who need them.
Families and people like you!
Here is how they are doing this...
Online websites are giving away diapers for a year. They do this in hopes that you will start using their products for many years, after you no longer receive it for free.
Think about it, if you got free diapers for a year from someone. Would you continue to use them because of the goodwill they showed you?
You bet!
The second way they are helping low income families get free diapers is by offering points to buyers. And on many cases you can receive one out of 3 diaper purchases for free.
This will greatly reduce the cost of what you have going out every month from your little poop monster.
The final way, you can score some free diapers is by looking at online publications and blogs. Many times big companies will strategically place free coupons on their site in hopes of people using them and liking the product.
In turn, buying them for years to come. Till the baby is fully grown up!
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